• Tuesday , 25 March 2025

Peter Zalmayev of EDI addresses the international conference in Kiev, Ukraine, on the 100-year anniversary of the Beilis trial

The Beilis “Blood Libel” Case

In Autumn 1913, Mendel Beilis, a Jew, was tried in a Kyiv court on charges of ritually murdering a Christian child. From his initial arrest in 1911 through the trial and its aftermath, the Beilis case captured the attention of Western governments and leading intellectuals. The obviously trumped up charges and anti-Jewish rhetoric exposed the official nature of Tsarist anti-Semitism, and galvanized international action. October 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of Beilis’ acquittal, and the Kyiv Anti-Semitism Conference provides the opportunity to consider the Beilis legacy, the evolution of anti-Semitism and response, and lessons for the future.

OSCE Mechanisms

The 57 Member States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE, or Helsinki Process) have committed to specific policies and mechanisms to measure and combat anti-Semitism across Europe and North America. The Kyiv Anti-Semitism Conference will review recent developments and discuss what more can be done at the political, professional and community levels, through the OSCE and other frameworks.

See Conference’s program here – defendinghistory.com

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