• Sunday , 23 March 2025


Belarussian-American Alliance Pahonia
Belarusan-American Alliance “Pahonia” is an organization of Belarusan-Americans, with members throughout the country. Members include those who were among the organization’s founders who emigrated to the United States in late 1990s and 2000s.

Pahonia annually commemorates March 25 as Belarusan Independence Day, in recognition of the  Belarusan Democratic Republic formed in 1918, Militry Glory Day (September 8), and Chernobyl Day. Pahonia’s publication is a monthly bulletin, Viestki j Paviedamlenni.




safeguard minorities, fight terrorism, anti-Semitism, hatred, and bigotry; pursue social justice, advance human dignity, protect human rights

American Jewish Committee Russian Division

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) was established in 1906 to safeguard the welfare and security of Jews worldwide. It is one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations in the United States and has been described by the New York Times as “widely regarded as the dean of American Jewish organizations”.

Over the course of its long history, the American Jewish Committee has worked to safeguard minorities; fight terrorism, anti-Semitism, hatred, and bigotry; pursue social justice; advance human dignity; support Israel’s right to exist in peace and security; defend religious freedom and provide humanitarian relief to those in need. Through innovative programs, education, research and extensive diplomatic outreach and advocacy, AJC works to advance freedom, liberty, tolerance, and mutual respect.



Research Institute for New Americans

Research Institute for New Americans (RINA) was created in 1998 in response to the widespread need for a deeper  understanding of social, demographic, identification, and integration processes of the immigrant communities, mostly from Russia and other republics of the FSU, in New York and elsewhere in the US. The institute profiles immigrant populations upon their arrival and settlement in the U.S. RINA’s mission is to study the different aspects of immigrants’ life and to become an informational and analytical center. RINA is a non profit group supported by donations and grants form different organizations and foundations including AJC (www.ajc.org) and American Forum of Russian Speaking Jews.  RINA is a founding member of COJECO  and regularly receives grants from COJECO. www.cojeco.org



charity foundation in ukraine , human rights in ukraineThe Charity Foundation Road For Good

The Charity Foundation Road for Good (Doroga Dobra) has been founded as the organization which helps protect Ukrainian children from the  after-war effects and to assist the civilians of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

Comprehensive support for young children and teenagers is an integral part of returning to a peaceful life. Unable to influence politics, children find themselves innocent bystanders of all the horrors of war. We want to help children who have become victims of the war in Eastern Ukraine reclaim their childhood and have hope for the future.





Aditus Foundation (Malta)

Aditus Malta’s is all about human rights advocacy at the level of targeting laws and policies was limited to a small number of NGOs highly specialised in their respective fields.

Within this context, aditus foundation’s founders (Neil Falzon, Nicola Mallia and Carla Camilleri) wanted the organisation to focus almost exclusively on advocacy, on constantly pushing the bar higher and higher in order to achieve stronger and more effective human rights protection for all persons in Malta. Aditus is inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and as lawyers are wholly committed to removing those obstacles preventing anyone from accessing and enjoying their fundamental human rights.


protecting human rights, human rights center, political asylumHuman Rights Center Memorial

Human Rights Center “Memorial”/Central Asian Program

Центрально-Азиатская программа ПЦ “Мемориал” была создана в 1999 г.

Руководитель программы -Пономарев Виталий Анатольевич.
Основным направлением работы является мониторинг политических и религиозных преследований в регионе, прежде всего в Узбекистане, Туркменистане и Кыргызстане. Мониторинг репрессий осуществляется в тесном взаимодействии с правозащитниками из различных стран.




human rights, gundogar, free newspaper, free turkmenistan, asylum attorney, political asylum, human rightsGundogar

Сайт «Гундогар» открыт 10 декабря 2001 года основателем Народного демократического движения Туркменистана Борисом Шихмурадовым.






Charter ’97 Human Rights Movement

Charter ’97 human rights movement (Belarus)

Charter 97 (Belarusian: Хартыя’97; Russian: Хартия’97) is a declaration calling for democracy in Belarus and a pro-human rights news site taking its inspiration from the declaration. The document – the title of which deliberately echoes the Czechoslovak human rights declaration Charter 77 20 years earlier – was created on the anniversary of a referendum held in 1996, and which, in the words of the organisation of the same name, declares:

“devotion to the principles of independence, freedom and democracy, respect to the human rights, solidarity with everybody, who stands for elimination of dictatorial regime and restoration of democracy in Belarus”.

Belarusian journalist Pavel Sheremet acted as the group’s spokesman at the declaration’s public launch.


Студентська республіка

Всеукраїнська молодіжна громадська організація «Студентська республіка» зареєстрована Мінюстом України 22.05.2006р.

Основними напрямами діяльності ВМГО «Студентська республіка» є проведення Міжнародної програми «Студентська республіка», що має на меті сформувати та підготувати молодь до дорослого життя, реалізується в кожному регіоні від рівня вишу до фінального етапу, розвиток студентського самоврядування та активності; налагодження ефективної співпраці з студентством України і світу.

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